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Chapter Fifteen: Blood Moon by Rosaline Saul

AT THE MORGUE, Detective Simpson watched as Doctor Murphy pulled back a dull white sheet from the body on the metal gurney.

 The detective asked, to confirm his suspicions, “The same as the other two?”

“Yeah,” the doctor confirmed. “Drained of all her blood. She is like a dried-out husk. I’ve never seen anything like this before.”

“What about the bodily injuries? Similar?”

“This one was strangled before her neck was slid open, but other than that her injuries are the same. No beating, no stabbings, the rest of her body is untouched.”

The detective turned away, rubbing his eyes. “Where do we even start looking for a monster like this?”

The doctor looked at him in silence. He did not have an answer.

Reporters and concerned citizens were gathered in a large group on the street outside the morgue and when Detective Simpson pushed through the door from the morgue into the night, the reporters surged forward, yelling their questions, but he shouldered his way through the crowd. His face was grim, as he pulled his hand through his dark hair.

Continue reading Chapter 16/17

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All work created and posted on this blog is the intellectual property of Rosaline Saul.


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