Chapter Twenty-One: My Life HereAfter by Rosaline Saul

“Stay here,” I tell them.

“One step at a time,” I tell myself, as I take a step forward.

A few steps into the clearing I step on something fleshy and slimy and I try hard not to cry out in revulsion. When I look down, the luminous aqua light which is surrounding me makes it hard for me to see what it is I stepped on.

“Keep moving.”

I feel something push against the centre of my chest, a jolt of pain in the empty space where my heart never healed.

“Keep moving.”

By the time I get to the centre of the clearing, Mark, David, and Carly seem far away from me. They stayed where I asked them to stay. Mark is holding onto a worried Carly protectively. David looks as if he is ready to charge at the first glance of trouble.

The dark shapes surrounding the vast clearing on three sides sway again, and I gasp as I scramble to find my footing. My arms are spread out to my sides as I try to keep my balance.

From the corner of my eye, I see David sprint closer to me.

I hold my arm up, and shout loudly, “No. Stay there.”

He stops and looks at me unsure.

“I have to do this alone,” I tell him.

A new sound joins the chorus of wails coming from the lost souls surrounding the large clearing. At first, I think it is only my imagination, but then I see it. A dragon appears in the clearing ahead of me, and it says mockingly, in a voice I recognise, “Sunel.”

It is the same voice as the little man on my shoulder, the voice in my head. The voice had turned into a physical being. Is the voice in my head, my own demon? My very own demon who watches over me? Who appeared when my soul broke for the first time? Who came to help me fight my battles, to whisper from my heart, to keep my feelings safe, to makes sure I never feel hurt and dejected again.

“This is not real,” I tell myself.

“You like daring games, Sunel, don’t you?” The dragon asks as its forked tongue whips back and forth in its mouth. “Do you think you can beat your demon?” It lisps amused.

Mist and fog seep from the ground around me and blends eerily with the luminous aqua light already omnipresent.

I hear a voice say, “You're pregnant?”

A woman sobs loudly.

I look around me frantically to see where the voice is coming from, but I am surrounded by fog. All I can see is the dragon with its long scaly neck and small beady eyes looming above me.

“Okay, come with me,” the first voice says. “We're going take you into the procedure room.”

“Don't worry, Sunita,” a man’s voice says. Sunita? My mum, Sunita?

“Everything's going be fine. Come on. Follow me,” the first voice says again.

Another sob. “I don’t think I can go through with this, Bobby.” The voice called Sunita says, and it sounds just like my mum.

The man’s voice says in a threatening tone, “Get rid of it, Sunita or so help me God.”

The first voice says, “Now, I know we said twelve hundred on the phone, but I'm taking a really big risk here, so it's going to have to be two grand even.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” The man’s voice screams. The sound is so loud my hands come up to my ears protectively. “We had a deal.”

“Listen, I'm not going to tell you what to do, and I don't know what you did to this girl, and, frankly, I don't want to know, but it is two grand or nothing.”

“Just get rid of it.”

Was my mum going to get rid of me? Who is this Bobby person? Is this the real reason why my name is Sunel? The Su from Sunita and the Nel from Donnel, because the man whom I think is my dad is not really my father, and this is the only way my mother could make Donnel feel as if he has a connection with me? Is this why I have always felt undesirable? Why I always looked for more than I have because I believed those things will make others want me?

With everything in me, I push the hurt aside. “I don’t care,” I scream up at the dragon. “Even if Donnel is not my biological father, he might as well be. I know he cares about me, and he has always been there for me. I don’t care if my real dad never wanted me and he wanted to get rid of me, my mum kept me, and she wants me… and so does Donnel… My dad. I don’t care!”

“Let the hurt go,” I tell myself softly. “Just let it go.”

Genevieve’s voice is right beside me and I quickly turn my head toward the dreaded sound, but she is not standing there.

The voice sneers, “Come closer, Ugly. Let me connect those dots on your face with this permanent marker.”

I cringe away from the sound of her voice.

The voice sounds closer, “Let’s count those pesky little bug-looking things on your face.” She laughs, “It will make the time pass, we’ll be here forever anyway, and even then, I don’t think we’ll have enough time.” She whispers in my ear, but the sound echoes in the aqua blue sky around me, “You are so disgusting, nobody will ever love you.”

I hear the five-year-old me cry softly.

Genevieve laughs wickedly. “Shut up, nobody is going to feel sorry for you, and besides crying makes you look a hundred times uglier than you already do.”

I try to convince myself I can face Genevieve and the pent up hurt I have stored in my heart.

Feeling fingers wrap around mine, I turn around startled. David is standing beside me. “No,” I tell him. “I don’t want you to get hurt, I don’t want you to see… The real me.”

He smiles slowly. “The number of times I’ve watched you since seventh grade, without you ever knowing, I know you better than you think I do.” He looks up at the dragon and proclaims, “I love this girl.”

I try to pull my hand from his. “Stop pretending. You don’t have to act as if you love me.”

He turns to me and pulls me by my shoulders to face him. “I know it’s too much, but I cannot believe you had to kill me first for me to have enough courage to tell you how I feel about you. I love you, Sunel and you are far from ugly. You should be proud of your freckles because they make you unique and pretty, and so cute You are beautiful. I have seen you show compassion and friendship when it was least expected. You are beautiful inside and out.”

“I can’t do this,” I say defeated.

“Yes, you can. You are strong enough.”

I look up at the dragon and adamantly I say what I wanted to say for more years than I can remember. Words and sentences I formed in my mind while lying in my bed late at night, things I was determined to say to Genevieve the next day but never, ever had the courage to actually act upon. She made me feel insecure and self-conscious, she inhibited the way I looked at myself when I saw my reflection in the mirror, she made me hate me. It’s all her fault. Everything is her fault. “I am not afraid of you anymore, Genevieve. You had to tell me I am ugly because it made you feel better about yourself. I feel sorry for you and sad you felt as if we couldn’t be friends and that your whole life revolved around making other people unhappy. I forgive you because even though I have carried your hurtful, spiteful words with me for so many years, they have made me stronger to the point where no matter what anyone ever said to me after that, it was never as bad as what you said to me. You are cruel and mean, and you deserve everything coming your way.”

David squeezes my fingers tightly between his.

“Let the pain go,” I whisper softly. “Just let it go away.”

The dragon asks, “What are you really looking for, Sunel?”

“A way out, I guess.”

“You guess?”

“No, I think I know what it is I want. Sometimes I feel like I'm living in a dream, and everything that seems to happen is always out of my control, so when I am alone and I am thinking, always thinking, and the voice in my head is talking making strange suggestions and leaving ideas in my head, it hurts. Not a physical pain, but a feeling of being lost and it would be impossible for anyone to find me. So, I guess what I really want is a way home. A place where there will be laughter and happiness and all my pain will just be washed away. Not a physical home, because I have realised, I already have all the love and happiness I need at home, but I need a home for my soul. I want the darkness in my heart to go away and I want my heart to be filled with light.”

“Only you know what you need to do to get what you most desperately want. And if you do... It will set you free. You could have pure and total freedom. Freedom from the boredom of everyday life... Freedom from suffering... Freedom from blame... Freedom from guilt... Freedom from sadness... The freedom to be genuinely happy... The freedom to love.”

My voice sounds desperate when I ask, “What do I have to do?”

Continue reading Chapter 22/25

Copyright © Rosaline Saul. All Rights Reserved. 
All work created and posted on this blog is the intellectual property of Rosaline Saul.


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