Chapter Twenty: My Life HereAfter by Rosaline Saul

A long time ago, when I was just a little girl of five years old, my heart had cracked at the ugliness and meanness of words, and I did not catch the pieces to try to fix it. This caused a small fissure in my soul, which let a darkness in, a darkness I now needed to face. Not only do I have to face my demon to save my own soul, but I need to face it for Carly.

Carly, whose mum might give up her will to live now that Carly has also been snatched away from her. Carly needed to find a way to get back to her mum, to make sure her mum was okay and to let her know everything will be okay.

And, even if Carly could not make it back personally, she would have to find a way to get one of the other guardian angels to do it for her, and if that did not work, then she would have to find a way for God to make sure her mom survives the loss of a husband and a daughter in such a short space of time through the support and love of Carly’s grandparents.

For Mark, who is strong and brave and feels the need to be protective over his little sister, because his parents are emotionally absent. A protectiveness he has now transferred to me. What would happen to his little sister without him? So, I needed to face my demon, so Mark can find a way to make his parents realise family and love is way more important than all the things money could buy.

And also, for David. Rebel. Doing everything in his power to get attention from his parents. Feeling as if he is only second best to his brother who must be getting all the praise at home, for always being so diligent, yet sacrificing to look after his little sister, while his parents practised the sin of hoarding and greed. An anger has grown in him and needed to be defeated.

I realise there should be a balance in things.

There is nothing wrong with working hard to get what you want, but it should not be to the exclusion of everything else.

A person should not seek wealth, but then neglect family and love in the process. Should not trample on the emotional needs of others, to achieve goals. We all deserve to get what we fight for, and I want to feel happy, happy with everything I have even if it is not as abundant as the things other people have, or I imagine they have.

Since Genevieve hurt me with her spiteful words, I have looked up at the rich people in their glass houses, and I thought the only way I would ever be good enough is when I also lived up there, but I am so wrong.

They might have everything their hearts desired, but they had other problems which I did not have.

My parents might argue about petty things, but when they weren’t fighting, they loved each other. They loved me and my brother, Adrian, and even though we did not have a lot of money, we were happy. We ate supper together, watched movies, spend hours talking. My mother knew my every secret because I trusted her with them.

I wonder how many of the kids I had envied for most of my life could say the same.

I realise all of this too late. I should have known all of it when I was alive, not now when I must fight for the preservation of my soul, so I do not have to go to that place of eternal damnation.

It is too late now, as I realise, I deserve to be here. I have sinned many of the seven deadly sins. I have been angry at people who get everything they want, envious of the rich people who live in their big houses up against the hill in our little town, I have been greedy of my friendship with Charlene and Lionel, wanting to keep them all to myself, never wanting to share them with anyone. I did not want to share Mark’s protection with Carly when we were lost in the woods.

Not to mention, my apathy with life in general. I have always wondered what makes some people more deserving than others, never realising my perspective of life was all wrong. Now, in this place, I am going to get what I deserve, but it is too late now to change anything.

I must be brave now, if not for me, then for Carly, Mark and David who do not deserve to be here. If not for me, they would be living their lives as they normally would. I am the reason they are here now.

I am the reason for their untimely death, and the reason they do not have a chance to change the outcome of their lives.

They will never have the opportunity to change anything, to realise their mistakes and to learn from the errors of their ways because I killed them all.

Continue reading Chapter 21/25

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All work created and posted on this blog is the intellectual property of Rosaline Saul.


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